Mission & Structure
Q-Wavers at Dyke March!
Q-Wave is an all-volunteer-run organization, and we are committed to grassroots organizing and leadership development for queer women and trans folks in New York City and beyond.
Our activities are broadly organized around these 4 pillars:
Visibility & Empowerment
Keeping in mind that "the personal is political," Q-Wave activities often touch on more than one pillar, but here's a sampling of what we do:
Q-Wavers translating multi-language videos for parents of LGBTQ Asian & Pacific Islander children.
- Dinners, Hiking, Picnics, Dance parties to build community
- Workshops on gender, sex, relationships to create space for Q-Wavers to think about identity, desire
- Panel discussions for us to hear and learn about issues facing our transgender community members
- Phone banking and fundraising to fight anti-LGBTQ ballot measures around the US
- Rally for immigration reform to represent LGBTQ Asians voices in the national debate
- March for trans rights and queer economic justice, March in Lunar New Year Parades for Visibility
- Movie festival co-sponsorships to support Q-Wave filmmakers and films about Q-Wavers!
- Translation and recording of multi-language materials to educate and support Asian parents of LGBTQ Children and help Q-Wavers discuss issues with their family
- Fundraising to send Q-Wavers to attend national Queer Asian leadership conferences
We often collaborate with national organizations and local groups around the US and even in Asia to build community and make our voices heard on larger issues affecting our communities.
JOIN US & get involved!
You can always get in touch with us through our Contact Form.
Q-Wavers with other amazing queer Asian organizers in Denver, CO at the Arcus Foundation
Q-Wave leadership planning meeting
NQAPIA Conference in Denver, CO
NQAPIA Conference in Seattle, WA