Media Coverage
Here are some articles, radio pieces, and TV clips that have featured Q-Wave over the years.
If you have any other materials to add, please get in touch with us via the Contact Form. Thanks!
Gay City News: Lunar New Year for All contingent barrels through Chinatown
Vice: Queer Asians Refused to Be Left Out of Lunar New Year Celebrations
Autostraddle: Four Ways the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Affecting the LGBTQ+ Community
Rewire.News: Pride Online: How Queer Communities Can Celebrate Under Quarantine This Year
The Fader: 9 Pride events you should go to in NYC this weekend
International Viewpoint: Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (HKHRDA): A Progressive Critique
Advocate: Queer, Asian, Visible, and Empowered at Last
The Atlantic: Her Parents Wanted Her to Land a Cushy Job. She Wanted to Build Their Legacy
HuffPost: Why The ‘Conservative’ Chinese New Year Parade Was Super Queer This Year
Colorlines: New Magazine Aims to Illuminate Asian Americans in All Their Complexity
NBC: Asian Women Giving Circle: Sisterhood, Service, and the Game-Changing 'Geh'
WBAI Radio: Behind the Lines with the Asian Contingent at NYC Pride 2014. June 30, 2014. Eileen of Q-WAVE (Queer Womyn Asian Visibility Empowerment), Dennis Chin of GAPIMNY (Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of New York), Priya and Karen of SALGA-NYC, Melanie Dulfo of APICHA and Miss LGBT Philippines-USA 2014, Chelle L'Huillier of Barangay New York talk about the importance of creating a space to gain acceptance within their own cultures while also gaining visibility in the mainstream LGBT movement.
Live interview with Q-Wavers for WBAI radio broadcast!
WBAI Radio: Proud Parent. June 30, 2014. For the first time ever, the API Project of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays New York City) also marched in New York City Pride on Sunday. APF revisits a broadcast from the archives with an excerpt from our 2013 Pride show featuring a roundtable that included Clara Yoon. Tonight we hear how Clara revealed to her own family and friends that she is a proud parent of a transgender son.
WBAI Radio: Queering Asian America: a Pride Month Roundtable. June 17, 2013. More than ever before, a growing number of LGBT APIs - that’s lesbian gay bisexual transgender Asian Pacific Islanders - are out and proud. In honor of LGBT pride month, we begin tonight’s hour with a special roundtable with leaders and members of various LGBT API organizations in New York City. We’ll be speaking with them about their struggle to simultaneously challenge racism and homophobia, as well as the unique perspectives and voices that LGBT APIs bring to the national discussion on LGBT issues, such as anti-gay hate violence and marriage equality.
TFC Balitang America. Jan 30, 2012.
Daily News: Gay groups invited to march in Lunar New Year parade. Feb 21, 2010.
WBAI Radio: A Queer Lunar New Year Parade. Feb 2, 2010. For the first time, there will be an LBTGQ contingent marching in New York Chinatown’s annual parade. We hear how the historic breakthrough was won. Karen Lee works with Q-Wave, a New York-based group for queer API women.
Q-Wavers & GAPIMNY in World Journal Chinese Newspaper: March for Marriage Equality 9/15/2008
Q-WAVE and GAPIMNY featured on’s MTV K:
WBAI Radio: It’s Pride Week! Transnational LGBT Organizing in NYC and China
Irene Tung is interviewed on WBAI’s Asia Pacific Forum (6/19/2007):
The Gully: Asian Dykes Take to Celluloid